Welcome to the Juang community website!

Juang Population : 50,000.

Literacy                   : 25%

Christian Presence: less than 1%

Eleven books of the New Testament are published.

The Juang were formerly known as the Puttooas, a name that referred to the leaf garments they wore until the early twentieth century. they live in northern Orissa. Traditionally, they were hunter-gatherers, cultivating few crops, but were forced from this lifestyle when the British declared their land as forest reserves. Now most make their living as basket-makers. Appeasement of the Spirits of their ancestors is a major concern among the Juang, and sacrifices of goats and chickens are common. Over the years they have been influenced by Hinduism, and now celebrate Hindu festivals, though they do not worship the Hindu idols.  Juang people live in the Keonjhar, Angul and Dhenkanal districts of Odisha, They were living in the jungles. Now a days they make their living by making things out of bamboo. Learned people are very few. Christians are also very few. Because of persecution, many of them leave their faith. Bible Translation is in progress. The first Juang conversation came in 1995, however, the spread of Christianity has been hindered by persecution of new believers from their own people. The largest group baptism took place in 2012 with eighteen new believers. Audio Scriptures are playing a big role in this largely illiterate society. Audio recordings have been made for six books.


• That the Gospel would reach all the Juang people for their salvation, despite persecution.

• For the complete New Testament to be made available in Audio form soon.

• For those involved in the translation.

• For the dedication of Scripture portions in 2013, for wide distribution and use among the people.

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